Is Digital DJing Killing The Art?
It’s a really exciting time for DJs. The last 10 years have seen computer processors running at blazing speeds, technology getting cheaper and music sequencers (such as Cubase, Ableton Live and Pro...
View ArticleDigital DJing on a Budget
Digital DJing can open up a whole new world of creative possibilities compared to that of ‘traditional’ DJing with a mixer and two record / CD decks, but can be something that’s often associated with...
View ArticleCan I get a rewind? No, you most certainly cannot!
I hate rewinds. For the uninitiated, a rewind is when a tune is audibly spun back to the beginning, just as the best part kicks in and usually upon the request of an MC. The MC will ask the crowd if...
View ArticleTouchpadFX for Mac mini review
TouchpadFX is a new way of controlling Traktor’s FX (or anything else you like) with your Macbook’s touchpad. It allows you to map mouse movements to MIDI CC numbers, thereby allowing control over any...
View ArticleIs Digital DJing Killing The Art?
It’s a really exciting time for DJs. The last 10 years have seen computer processors running at blazing speeds, technology getting cheaper and music sequencers (such as Cubase, Ableton Live and Pro...
View ArticleDigital DJing on a Budget
Digital DJing can open up a whole new world of creative possibilities compared to that of ‘traditional’ DJing with a mixer and two record / CD decks, but can be something that’s often associated with...
View ArticleCan I get a rewind? No, you most certainly cannot!
I hate rewinds. For the uninitiated, a rewind is when a tune is audibly spun back to the beginning, just as the best part kicks in and usually upon the request of an MC. The MC will ask the crowd if...
View ArticleTouchpadFX for Mac mini review
TouchpadFX is a new way of controlling Traktor’s FX (or anything else you like) with your Macbook’s touchpad. It allows you to map mouse movements to MIDI CC numbers, thereby allowing control over any...
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